MiniTop 100/104 Small footprint and short measurement times

Compact telescope optical probe for fast and accurate luminance measurements on displays
Optical probe with flexible CAS spectrometer connection
The MiniTop is a Pritchard style optical probe for a high-end spectroradiometer from the CAS series by Instrument Systems. It is designed to be a very compact and fast system for luminance measurements in display production applications. MiniTop is available in two versions covering different wavelength ranges.
The CAS spectrometer connects via a flexible multimode fiber. Customers can choose between three different designs for attachment of the fiber to the MiniTop body: straight, side-curved and up-curved. The small footprint and versatile mechanical mounting options on all four sides of the housing ensure a perfect fit to specific handler space restrictions at the customer`s production site.
Accurate measurement at low luminance level
MiniTop features a slightly tilted aperture mirror, ensuring a perfectly round and sharp measurement spot. The system permits highly accurate and reproducible spot measurements of radiance and luminance as well as of the chromaticity of all sorts of displays.
MiniTop can measure luminance levels as low as 0.05 cd/m2 and offers a measurement spot size ranging from 1.3 mm, 2.8 mm and 4.8 mm. An integrated view-finder camera with a large field of view makes adjustment and alignment of the measurement spot very easy.
MiniTop Kimsoptec Line
Product Details:
- Fast measurement speed for display production applications
- Precise measurement of luminance with all high-end spectroradiometers of CAS series
- Perfectly round and sharp measuring spot with optimized Pritchard style optical system
- Very compact size probe with versatile mounting options that easily integrates into an existing handler design
- Three different options for connecting the optical fiber to the probe
Large-scale display measurement in production
The MiniTop will give you a competitive edge especially for display measurement in large-scale production environments. With its small footprint and high measurement speed it is perfectly suited for meeting diverse production line or handler design conditions.