
講演会のご案内 – Our Experts Live



Accelerated Optical Measurement Solutions with highest accuracy for MicroLED Displays and Wafers

日付: 2024/12/11

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: Display Innovation Day, Online

In this presentation, Instrument Systems will explore the challenges and solutions associated with measuring and examining individual microLEDs on both displays and wafers.


High-Speed, High-Accuracy Optical Metrology for µLED Displays and Wafers

日付: 2024/12/05

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: Trendforce Micro LEDforum 2024, Taipei/ Taiwan

Instrument Systems will discuss the challenges and solutions of µLED metrology and analysis for every single µLED on displays and wafers. The focus is on high-resolution imaging light measurement devices optimized for mass production speed, photometric accuracy traceable to national standards, and flexibility for various devices under test.


Multi-reference Imaging Light Measurement System

日付: 2024/10/01, 11:25 (GMT-7)

Kevin Lange

場所: DSCC AR/VR Display Summit 2024, Fremont Marriott Silicon Valley/CA, USA

Emerging display technologies such as OLEDonSi and microLED present both new opportunities and challenges in display metrology. To achieve accurate color measurements for displays with spatially inhomogeneous spectral emissions, we propose a novel measurement device. The goal of the device is to measure very accurate and fast the angle dependent color properties of a display.


MicroLED based Displays: Challenges and Solutions for Metrology

日付: 2024/09/25 – 2024/09/26

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: Eindhoven, Netherlands


Impact of Calibration Sources on Accuracy of Chromaticity Measurements

日付: 2024/05/16, 09:40 (GMT-7)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

Session 58.3

場所: Display Week, San José, CA/ USA

When narrow bandwidth emission sources such as µLEDs are used to create full color displays, large measurement errors can occur with colorimeters calibrated against standard light sources. Experiments confirm that different calibrations of an imaging light measurement device provide different levels of color accuracy depending on the similarity of calibration source to the DUTs spectral distribution.


Fundamentals of Display Metrology

日付: 2024/05/12, 10:00 (GMT-7)

Dr. Ferdinand Deger

SID/ICDM 2024 Display Metrology Training Course in cooperation with Radiant Vision Systems

場所: Display Week, San José/CA, USA

The significance of displays is evident in their ubiquity across technologies and industries and their footprint, growing to encompass entire device surfaces and fields of view. Display metrology provides an objective understanding of a display’s quality and performance through data, supplying tools for display innovation and evaluation to safeguard manufacturing investment.


Characterization of Semiconductor Lasers at SWIR Wavelength

日付: 2024/04/11, 13:40 (GMT+1)

Dr. Amir Sharghi

Paper 13002-29

場所: Strasbourg, France

Semiconductor lasers have become the light source of choice in many applications. IR VCSELs are widely used for sensing purposes in consumer electronics. On the other hand, longer wavelength i.e. SWIR are appearing and expected to rise.


Live Colorimeter Calibration Adapts to Spectral Variations of Measurement Object

日付: 2024/04/10, 13:20 (GMT+1)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: electronic displays conference, Nuremberg/ Germany

In principle, all colorimeters need color calibration, because the color filters that are used to mimic the eye’s sensitivity to visible light will never perfectly match the theoretical CIE 1931 functions.


One-shot single-emitter-resolved polarization and LIV+λ characterization of a VCSEL array at tempered conditions

日付: 2024/01/31, 11:35 (GMT-8)

Dr. Amir Sharghi

Session 12904-11

場所: SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco/CA, USA

With the existing solutions, for VCSEL arrays it is hardly possible and timely expensive to perform LIV+λ measurements, since there are a few up to some hundreds of single emitters within the array. Furthermore, polarized VCSEL arrays are unique and have potential applications, which then require not only the LIV+λ analysis but also a polarization measurement of each emitter.


Safety Assessment of Virtual Reality eye tracking modules

日付: 2024/01/29, 15:30 (GMT-8)

Dr. Amir Sharghi

Session 12913-55

場所: SPIE AR|VR|MR, San Francisco/CA, USA

VR devices widely use multiple near-infrared LEDs for eye tracking. However, NIR illumination is potentially harmful to the human eye and skin. The international photobiological safety standard IEC 62471 provides guidelines for evaluating the photobiological hazards of incoherent broadband light sources.


Light measurement and quality control at different production stages of a virtual reality headset

日付: 2024/01/29, 10:50 (GMT-8)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

Session 12913-45

場所: SPIE AR|VR|MR, San Francisco/ CA, USA

The production of a Virtual Reality headset is a complex process with several steps. At each step, various measurements are taken to verify quality or to characterise the component for later use. The visual system is the key component of a VR headset and consists in general of a display and an optical lens, which form the optical module.


Rapid Testing of µLEDs and µDisplays on Wafer

日付: 2023/10/12, 15:30 (GMT+8)

Tianxing Zhu

場所: C-Touch & Displays, Shenzhen, China

The upcoming μLED display technology promises high contrast, fast response time, wide color gamut, low power consumption, and long lifetime. But, the technology is challenging for optical quality control, especially for narrow bandwidth μLEDs.


Optical characterization of curved displays

日付: 2023/09/27, 02:20 (GMT-4)

Kevin Lange

場所: SID Vehicle Displays & Interfaces, Detroit/MI, USA

Among the new display trends of the past few years, so-called curved displays have been particularly successful. Their curvature opens up a multitude of new possibilities in terms of design and application. Whether an instrument panel is perceived as pleasant, is still legible in sunlight or switches fast enough in cold winter temperatures, are parameters for individual assessment. A further quality factor is the stability of the perceived image content. For example, it is perceived as unpleasant when contrast and color change with the direction of viewing.

The 7-axis goniometer (DMS 904) expands the DMS series portfolio of goniometers to include a display measurement system that is specially geared to the above measurement tasks.


Light Measurement of VR devices

日付: 2023/09/13, 14:30 (CEST)

Dr. Sascha Reinhardt

場所: DSCC AR/VR Forum - online

Light measuring devices (LMD) are essential tools for developing novel display technologies as well as for quality assurance in display mass production. More complex displays, e.g. Near Eye Displays (NED), might require various LMDs in different development and production phases.


Rapid Testing of µLEDs and Microdisplays on Wafer

日付: 2023/09/05, 11:10 (GMT+8)

Jack Hwang

場所: Micro LEDForum 2023, Taipei/ Taiwan

Two-dimensional high-speed measurement of on-wafer. PhotoLuminescence and ElectroLuminescence and their single-pixel evaluation.


Massive Parallelization of Optical Quality Control of μLED Displays and Wafers

日付: 2023/07/06, 14:50 (GMT+2)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: 2nd Focus Meeting of the DFF, Ittervoort/ Netherlands


High-throughput MicroLED Wafer Testing

日付: 2023/07/04, 11:30 (GMT+2)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: online


Two-dimensional LIV and beam quality characterization of individual emitters in a VCSEL array

日付: 2023/06/28, 08:40 (GMT+2)

Dr. Amir Sharghi

場所: SPIE Digital Optical Technologies, Munich/ Germany

LIV curves are fundamental measurement of laser diodes to determine electrical and optical operating characteristics. LIV curves consist of L-I curves (optical intensity against current) and V-I curves (voltage against current). LIV curves determine power conversion efficiency, threshold current, slope efficiency, kinks, rollover point and more. LIV curves are widely used at various stages since it is critical to identify failed DUTs early in the manufacturing process.


Rapid Testing of μLEDs and Microdisplays on Wafer

日付: 2023/04/02, 17:10 (GMT+8)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: ICDT / online

The upcoming μLED display technology promises high contrast, fast response time, wide color gamut, low power consumption, and long lifetime. But, the technology is challenging for optical quality control, especially for narrow bandwidth μLEDs.


Characterization and Prevention of Global and Rolling Shutter Artefacts in Display Metrology

日付: 2023/03/15, 16:10 (GMT+1)

Andreas Liebel

場所: electronic displays conference, Nuremberg/Germany

State of the art displays do have the ability to modulate refresh rate and duty cycle in order to save energy and to adapt to the display content. These features pose new challenges to display metrology equipment and may produce image artefacts. Here, we discuss the characterization and prevention of image artefacts due to the shutter type of the camera used for high accuracy display testing.


Validating distortion measurements of wide-field-of-view near-eye displays

日付: 2023/01/30 – 2023/02/01, 18:00 (GMT -8)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: SPIE AR|VR|MR , San Francisco/CA, USA

Daily Poster Session from 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm


Near-Eye Displays covering a large field of view require complex optical imaging systems. While the optical system is designed to minimize distortion, residual distortion, material or production flaws lead to significant distortion. Imaging light measurement devices (ILMD) are used to detect distortion for product quality assurance. However, imaging measurement systems, especially with wide-angle lenses, may also add distortion to the measurement. Therefore, the calibration of ILMDs is crucial for the measurement of AR/VR device distortion. Here, we quantify and validate the accuracy of methods of distortion correction for an imaging light measurement device with a field of view of 120°.


Comprehensive Extended Reality Test and Audit Solutions

日付: 2022/11/17, 16:00 (GMT +8)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: CIOE (online)

Visible and infrared light measurement devices (LMDs) are essential tools for developing novel extended reality display and sensing technologies as well as for quality assurance in the display and headset mass production. Extended reality devices come with a multitude of test requirements and the need to measure the same way as the human eye sees, and also might require different LMDs in the development and production phases.


New High resolution Infrared Array spectrometer CAS 140D IR

日付: 2022/11/08, 16:00 (CET)

Claudia Dippold

場所: online

In this EPIC Members New Product Release, our Product Manager Claudia Dippold will introduce Instrument Systems' latest CAS 140D IR spectroradiometer for measurements in the infrared range. It features the proven high measurement accuracy and reliability of the CAS140D series, recognized all over the world as a reference for wavelengths from 780–1700 nm. Compared to its predecessor model, the new CAS 140D IR offers significantly improved performance in signal sensitivity, stray light suppression and electronics.


Fast 2D Display Testing with Spectrally Corrected Colorimeters

日付: 2022/09/27, 11:40 (EST)

Justin Blanke

場所: Detroit/MI, USA

Displays are becoming more and more prevalent in the automotive cabin and must serve a variety of functions flawlessly in a challenging environment. Specialized analysis to measure effects such as Black Mura must be conducted according to established standards; this enables meaningful comparison between supplier and manufacturer.


VCSEL Characterization: LiDAR and Eye-Safety Testing

日付: 2022/09/27, 12:00 (EST)

Justin Blanke

場所: Detroit/MI, USA

Vertical-cavity surface-emitting lasers (VCSELs) perfectly fulfill the requirements for present and future 3D sensing applications. However, to operate VCSEL-based devices in public, the manufacturer must assure “eye safe” operation compliant with the IEC 60825-1 standard or national equivalents. As VCSELs exhibit special emission characteristics that differ from other laser sources, the safety assessment is more complex, and a practical guideline does not exist.


Comprehensive Extended Reality Test and Audit Solutions for Near-Eye Displays, Headset Infrared Light Sources and Optical Components

日付: 2022/09/20, 09:30 (EST)

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: online

Visible and infrared light measurement devices (LMDs) are essential tools for developing novel extended reality display and sensing technologies as well as for quality assurance in the display and headset mass production. Extended reality devices come with a multitude of test requirements and the need to measure the same way as the human eye sees, and also might require different LMDs in the development and production phases.


Uniformity of OLED Displays at Ultra Low Luminance

日付: 2022/07/15 – 2022/07/18

Andreas Liebel

場所: ICDT/ online

Next generation OLEDs displays have in principle endless contrast ratios due to their emittive nature. However, in practice OLED displays show non-uniformities at very low luminance which have to be measured and corrected in order to maintain constant contrast.

In this presentation, uniformity measurements at very low luminance will be presented and results from displays from a variety of manufacturers will be compared.


Luminance Dependent Uniformity in OLED Displays

日付: 2022/06/21

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: electronic displays conference, Nuremberg

Next generation OLEDs displays have in principle endless contrast ratios due to their emittive nature and their ability to completely turn off pixels. This makes them ideal in applications that require low display luminance like use in dark/nighttime conditions.


The importance of polarization characterization and eye safety assessment of VCSELs

日付: 2022/06/12

Dr. Karthik Iyer

場所: EPIC Online Technology Meeting

Novel VCSEL arrays require spatial testing of the whole ensemble as well as of the single emitters in the near-field. Such optical measurements must be calibrated, corrected for polarization dependency and traceable to ensure minimum error budgets for eye safety evaluation.


Spatially-resolved polarization characterization of VCSEL arrays

日付: 2022/01/26

Dr. Frank Münchow

場所: San Francisco/CA, USA

Although VCSELs are intrinsically single-longitudinal mode devices, they usually show complex polarization characteristics. Most VCSEL are not designed to emit in a single polarization state, there is no control about the polarization angle. The light emitted by the VCSEL typically show a complicated polarization, even within one emitter and abrupt polarization switching can be observed when temperature or bias current is changed. In this presentation we show a method of measuring spatially resolved polarization characteristics of VCSELs. This is achieved using a combination of polarization filtered microscope optics and a CMOS camera.


Sharpness and Contrast of AR/VR Near-Eye Displays: Goniometric vs. Advanced 2D Imaging Light Measurements of the Modulation Transfer Function (MTF)

日付: 2022/01/22 – 2022/01/24

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: San Francisco/CA, USA

Novel display technologies for AR/VR/MR devices require distinct tests to control quality during development and in production. Sharpness and contrast tests are particularly important due to the complex overlay of real and augmented images. Clear and immersive perception of the augmented or virtual reality requires optimal optical differentiation between different display contents. Typically, the modulation transfer function (MTF) acts a measure for sharpness and contrast. For accurate MTF measurement, an imaging test system should be based on a lens system that mimics the human eye system and have a similar-sized entrance pupil in front of the lens.


One Shot: Polarization Characterization of VCSELs

日付: 2022/01/11 – 2022/01/11

場所: Online

VCSEL-based sensor technology supports innovative applications. As VCSELs have special properties, in contrast to other typical laser sources, their characterization is more complex.


AR/VR Near-Eye Displays: Meeting their Distinctive Challenges in Display Quality Control

日付: 2021/12/02

Dr. Cameron Hughes

場所: IDW'21 Virtual Conference

Near-eye displays (NEDs) exhibit a number of effects including distortion and sharpness distribution due to the optics that generate the virtual image. In his lecture, Dr. Cameron Hughes presents why a spectrally enhanced camera based system such as the LumiTop is ideal for fast and accurate production testing of these displays.


Nearfield VCSEL Testing Camera VTC 4000

日付: 2021/11/01

Dr. Karthik Iyer

場所: Virtual

During the EPIC Members New Product Release, Instrument Systems' Program Manager Dr. Karthik Iyer presented our Nearfield VCSEL Testing Camera – VTC 4000.


Measurement systems in the UV A/B/C range

日付: 2021/07/31 – 2021/08/04

Dr. Ðenan Konjhodžić

場所: virtual | Optics + Photonics, San Diego/ California, USA

Nowadays, the pandemic situation caused by the COVID-19 virus inspired many companies, research institutes and lighting designers to adopt UV radiation as a new tool in their projects and research. The promising germicidal effect of the UVC radiation also on the Coronavirus raises the question of the reliable measurement of the UV radiation. However, this complex task needs an expertise and appropriate equipment.


MicroLED Metrology: Challenges and Solutions

日付: 2021/05/31

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: ICDT, Online / Beijing Etrong International Exhibition & Convention Center, Conference Hall 1, Meeting Room C

The upcoming μLED display technology promises high contrast, fast response time, wide color gamut, low power consumption, and long lifetime. However, the technology is not only challenging for mass transfer of the µLEDs from wafer to display, but also for massive parallelization of optical quality control at different manufacturing steps.


Color Uniformity of µLED Displays: New Color Calibration Concept for Fast and Accurate Optical Testing

日付: 2021/05/20

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: Display Week 2021 Virtual Conference

Superior properties of µLEDs for display applications challenge metrology with, e.g, narrow emission bandwidth and enormous wavelength variability depending on their electronic driving parameters. Therefore, we developed new imaging test solutions to make color uniformity measurements fast and highly accurate even for strongly varying spectral properties of µLEDs.


Short Course S-2: Fundamentals of Display Metrology

日付: 2021/05/19

Dr. Reto Häring in cooperation with Konica Minolta and Radiant Vision Systems

場所: Display Week 2021 Virtual Conference

This short course will provide a fundamental understanding of display metrology and introduce measurement equipment and techniques. It is held in cooperation with Konica Minolta and Radiant Vision Systems.


Measurement systems and calibrations for UV radiation

日付: 2021/04/19

Dr. Ðenan Konjhodžić

場所: Online

Nowadays, the pandemic situation caused by the COVID-19 virus inspired many companies, research institutes and lighting designers to adopt UV radiation as a new tool in their projects and research. The promising germicidal effect of the UVC radiation also on the Coronavirus raises the question of the reliable measurement of the UV radiation. However, this complex task needs an expertise and appropriate equipment.

More about the abstract

Quality control of AR/VR near-eye-displays: Goniometric versus advanced 2D imaging light measurements

日付: 2021/03/27 – 2021/03/29

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: SPIE AR/VR/MR, Live on Demand, Conference 11765-36

Novel display technologies for AR/VR/MR devices require advanced imaging systems to control quality during assembly and to calibrate the device. Such calibration yields an optimal match of left and right eye and allows color management for an accurate match of real world and virtual objects. For accurate measurement, such an imaging system should be based on a lens system that mimics the human eye system and have a similar-sized entrance pupil in front of the lens. Traditionally two approaches have been proposed:

Read the abstract

Human-Centric Quality Control of AR/VR Near-Eye-Displays and AR-HUDs

日付: 2021/03/04

Dr. Tobias Steinel

場所: electronic displays Conference 2021 digital

Novel display technologies for augmented and virtual reality (AR/VR/MR/XR) devices, like Head-Mounted-Devices and Head-Up-Displays, require advanced imaging systems and calibration to control quality during assembly to accurately match the real world and virtual objects. We demonstrate and compare advantages of goniometric sampling spot measurements and camera based imaging solutions.

More information

Characterization of VCSELs for 3D sensing applications according to the IEC60825-1 Standard

日付: 2021/01/18

Dr. Katharina Predehl

場所: Online Event

VCSELs have special properties in contrast to other typical laser sources. As a result, VCSEL eye safety evaluation is more complex and a couple of additional aspects have to be considered that would not apply for "normal" lasers. Consequently, the validation of a VCSEL's laser class is not trivial, and even more so because an easily understandable guideline for the assessment of VCSEL safety has not yet been published.


Methods to measure the luminous color of white and colored LEDs

日付: 2020/12/01 – 2020/12/01

Dr. Hassan Gargouri

場所: DVN Tokyo 2020

Date: December 2, 2020

Time: 17:15 (CET)


New LED calibration standards in the UV A/B/C range

日付: 2020/09/21 – 2020/09/24

Dr. Đenan Konjhodžić

LpS Digital 2020


Eye safety of VCSEL arrays

日付: 2020/09/10 – 2020/09/10

場所: Dr. Katharina Predehl

China International Optoelectronic Exposition

IEEE OGC Conference

Virtual Event

Friday, September 11, 2020


Proven solutions for testing μLED wafers, AR/VR Near-Eye displays and VCSEL arrays

日付: 2020/09/09 – 2020/09/09

Collin Jiang

場所: China International Optoelectronic Exposition

Photonics Germany @ CIOE 2020

Date: September 10, 2020

Time: 1 pm – 5 pm Shenzhen

Location: World Exhibition & Convention Center ∙ Conference Room 2, Hall 1


Meeting Optical Testing Challenges of High-Resolution µLED-Displays

日付: 2020/08/05 – 2020/08/04

Dr. Tobias Steinel

SID Display Week 2020, virtual event

Spatial Uniformity Display Measurement, Session 71.3

Thursday, August 6, 2020


Electro-optical transfer characteristic, the undervalued display feature

日付: 2020/08/05 – 2020/08/05

Dr. Michael E. Becker

SID Display Week 2020, virtual event

Display Measurement Standards I, Session 50.3

Thursday, August 6, 2020


End-of-line (EOL) Testing of Recent OEM Display Quality Standards

日付: 2020/02/25 – 2020/02/25

Dr. Silke Kirchner

edc 2020

Nuremberg, Germany

Wednesday, 26 February 2020, 16:35 - 16:55, Session 6 Display Glass & Measurements


Light Measurement Device For Subpixel Evaluation Of Micro-LED And OLED Displays

日付: 2019/11/25

Dr. Tobias Steinel

SSL China 2019

Tuesday November 26, 2019 11:40am

Shenzhen Convention and Exhibition Center (5th Floor Peony Hall), China


Characterization of Blue Light Hazard

日付: 2019/10/09 – 2019/12/30

Dr. Ðenan Konjhodžić

Lux et Color Vesprimiensis

Völgyikút Ház, Veszprém, Ungarn

Thursday, 10 Oktober 2019, 5:20 pm


An Evaluation Guide for Blue Light Hazard

日付: 2019/09/25 – 2019/12/30

Dr. Ðenan Konjhodžić

LED professional Symposium + Expo

Seestudio, Opera House Bregenz, Austria

Thursday, 26 September 2019, 11:30-12:00 am


End-Of-Line Testing of Recent Display Quality Standards

日付: 2019/09/24 – 2019/12/30

Dr. Silke R. Kirchner

SID Vehicle Displays and Interfaces 2019

Burton Manor Conference Center, Livonia, MI, USA

Wednesday, 25 September 2019, 9:15 – 9:35 am, Session 5.4


Ultra high resolution imaging light measurement device for subpixel metrology of micro-LEDs and OLEDs

日付: 2019/09/18 – 2019/12/30

J.Blanke, T.Steinel, M.Wolf

EuroDisplay 2019

Minsk, Belarus, Stork Room 1, O-43

Thursday, 19 September 2019, 10:05 am, Session 7


Flicker from Electronic Displays: Reconsidering the Confusion

日付: 2019/05/15 – 2019/12/30

Dr. Michael E. Becker

SID Display Week

San Francisco Moscone Center, CA, USA, Room LL20A

Session 50.1, Co-Chair: Jürgen Neumeier (Instrument Systems GmbH)

Thursday, 16 May 2019, 09:00-10:20 am


Metrological Challenges of Non-Planar Displays

日付: 2019/03/27 – 2019/12/30

Andreas Kreisel

ICDT International Conference on Display Technology 2019

Kunshan, Suzhou, China

Thursday, 28 March 2019, 5:40 -6:00 pm
