Date: 2023/01/30 – 2023/02/01, 18:00 (GMT -8)
Dr. Tobias Steinel
Location: SPIE AR|VR|MR , San Francisco/CA, USA
Near-Eye Displays covering a large field of view require complex optical imaging systems. While the optical system is designed to minimize distortion, residual distortion, material or production flaws lead to significant distortion. Imaging light measurement devices (ILMD) are used to detect distortion for product quality assurance. However, imaging measurement systems, especially with wide-angle lenses, may also add distortion to the measurement. Therefore, the calibration of ILMDs is crucial for the measurement of AR/VR device distortion. Here, we quantify and validate the accuracy of methods of distortion correction for an imaging light measurement device with a field of view of 120°.
Daily Poster Session from 6.00 pm - 7.30 pm