Date: 2024/01/31, 11:35 (GMT-8)
Dr. Amir Sharghi
Session 12904-11
Location: SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco/CA, USA
With the existing solutions, for VCSEL arrays it is hardly possible and timely expensive to perform LIV+λ measurements, since there are a few up to some hundreds of single emitters within the array. Furthermore, polarized VCSEL arrays are unique and have potential applications, which then require not only the LIV+λ analysis but also a polarization measurement of each emitter. Therefore, in this talk, not only do we extend the LIV+λ measurements to each individual emitter in a VCSEL array, but also measure their polarization. In order to characterize the stability of the VCSEL array in various environmental conditions, all the measurements were done at multiple temperatures. The test system design offers fast one-shot and comprehensive characterization of emitters of VCSEL arrays, allowing parallelization of the measurements to reduce overall measurement time and to determine damaged or out of spec VCSELs at early stage of the manufacturing process.