Date: 2024/05/12, 10:00 (GMT-7)
Dr. Ferdinand Deger
SID/ICDM 2024 Display Metrology Training Course in cooperation with Radiant Vision Systems
Location: Display Week, San José/CA, USA
The significance of displays is evident in their ubiquity across technologies and industries and their footprint, growing to encompass entire device surfaces and fields of view. Display metrology provides an objective understanding of a display’s quality and performance through data, supplying tools for display innovation and evaluation to safeguard manufacturing investment.
This short course will provide a fundamental understanding of display metrology and introduce measurement equipment and techniques from leaders in the field. Topics include the science of light and color, units of measurement, measurement standards, metrology systems from spot meter spectroradiometers to advanced imaging systems. The course will introduce test methods to address display performance parameters from mura to pixel uniformity. Metrology solutions for state-of-the-art testing applications are presented, ranging from curved displays to microLED panels and complete AR/VR devices.