Date: 2024/04/11, 13:40 (GMT+1)
Dr. Amir Sharghi
Paper 13002-29
Location: Strasbourg, France
Semiconductor lasers have become the light source of choice in many applications. IR VCSELs are widely used for sensing purposes in consumer electronics. On the other hand, longer wavelength i.e. SWIR are appearing and expected to rise.
We introduce a measurement setup for complete LIV measurements, including spectral analysis, of SWIR semiconductor lasers. The setup combines a high-resolution array spectrometer and a sensitive photodiode with a high reflectance integrating sphere. State-of-the-art calibration ensures metrological traceability to the SI-system of units for all measurement results.
The influence of the temperature on the laser performance, characteristics and properties is thoroughly analyzed. Extension and further automatisation of our measurement routine is required to facilitate the semiconductor lasers development as well as to speed up the industrialization of the semiconductor lasers.