2D spatially resolved measurement of headlights with projection screen
Complete equipment of a light lab for exterior automotive lighting
Verification of luminance and color accuracy
Determination of blue light hazard in acc. with IEC 62471 and IEC/TR 62778
Enhancing AR/VR Quality Control with CoboTop
All-in-one solution for goniometric display characterization
Spectroradiometric display test system with the CAS 140D
Fast and precise measurement of IR emitters as LEDs/ lasers
Determination of luminous flux and color with integrating spheres
Lightproof LED test system – complete and compact
Determination of the spatial radiation properties of SSL light sources
Filter-based camera system for determining luminance and color
All-in-one solution for quality control in production lines
Optimized lens designs for headset and module level tests
Synchronous control of several CAS spectroradiometers
In accordance with MIL-L-85762A / MIL-STD-3009 and civil standards SAE AS5452B / RTCA DO 275
Universal system for retroreflector measurement
Sensitive and precise UV measurement in the lab from 200 nm
VCSEL characterization with spectral resolution down to 0.12 nm
Flexible and precise testing of IR emitters
Flexible and precise testing at single emitter level
Complete characterization of pulsed VCSELs